But Why EMS Podcast

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Ep. 21: You Save One Life, You Save the World Entire

When a tornado strikes and causes a mass casualty incident (MCI), how does the team integrate itself into a larger team of first responders doing a variety of different jobs? How does the team arrive on scene when flight is impossible? And upon successfully saving one life, how does the team reconcile that success with the multiple other lives lost? These questions and a harrowing story await in this edition of the podcast. We are joined by: Amy Boultinghouse, RN, Chase Niewoehner, RN, Kasia Hampton, MD, and Rebecca Tracy, DO.

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But Why EMS Podcast Ep. 21: You Save One Life, You Save the World Entire Hawnwan Moy, John Wilmas, Joseph Hill

For CAPCE credits click here.

Air Methods Prehospital EDucation Podcast: here.